Loving Our Limestone- Geology and Wildlife Walk at Berry Head
This lovely walk around one of South Devon’s best known coasts has lots to offer with guide Dr Chris Proctor, who is a prominent geologist and naturalist. Explore Brixham’s head learning all about the 400 million year limestone geology and how the unique aspects have helped create the special conditions required by the spectacular wild flora and fauna, including the largest mainland Guillemot colony in the South West. This is possibly the best time of year to walk along the coastal cliffs, with the sparkling blue sea set off by the stunning limestone cliffs and beautiful wildflowers carpeting them.
Booking is essential and the event is on Tuesday, 27th May 2014, beginning at 10am, taking approx. 2 hours to explore all there is to offer. The cost is £9 per person and is booked by calling 01803 520022.